Shailendra Thatte & Associates, is one of the leading law firms in India to provide legal services in the field of Intellectual Property Rights.

For the last 10 years we have been providing consultancy services and legal assistance to a large number of diverse industries on various issues pertaining to intellectual property.STA has a very rich experience in all areas of Intellectual Property Rights. We specialize in management of patent and trade mark portfolios, and opinion counseling on complex IP Portfolios management.

We offer and specialize in

A patent is a monopoly awarded to the inventors. It lasts for a limited period allowing the inventorto exclude others.
Design means only the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colours applied.
One of the important intellectual properties recognized in business. Trade Mark means a mark capable of being represented.
Copyright is the exclusive right to do or authorise others to do certain acts in relation to literary, dramatic or musical.
Corporate Contracts
A contract is a legally enforceable agreement. Companies need to enter into various types of contracts to carry out their business activities.
Property is the biggest and the most important investment recognized in out life. We help in proper due dilligence.
Industry sectors we cater to

Information Tech
Real Estate
Latest news and articles

New Copyright Society registered for Cinematograph Film Works
A Copyright is a type of Intellectual Property that grants its owner the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, adapt, display, and perform a creative work, typically for a limited period of time…

Geographical Indication Registry showers 33 GI registrations on 31st March, 2023
Geographical indication (GI) is a status given to goods which are originated from a specific area or region and posses unique qualities or reputation of that region. GI tag mainly represents the source of the product…